Kath Mainland announced the launch of the new 2011 Edinburgh Fringe programme this morning and it's bigger…
Edinburgh is a great city for walking due to its compact design and large green areas, and yet apparently we…
The Edinburgh International Science Festival reported one of its busiest opening days in 23 years when it…
Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt will give this year's MacTaggart lecture, the keynote address at the…
The winner of this year's Edinburgh Medal is Professor Carl Djerassi, an American chemist, novelist and…
Pupils from Edinburgh’s Tollcross Primary school today buried a time capsule at the building site of the…
The establishment of the Scottish Digital Network (SDN), which would deliver local television to rival the…
Between the 9 and 22 April, this year's Edinburgh International Science Festival will see over 200 adult and…
Cheer on competitors from Robot Wars as they battle it out in the shadow of Concorde.
A free, green conference looking at how we can transition to the new, low-carbon economy. Organised by the…
Edinburgh City Council is encouraging residents to participate in the annual 'Scamnesty' month by bringing…
TED goes to Ed for the first time with TEDGlobal.
Anyone giving the Address to the Haggis on Burns Night next week might well be reaching into their sporran…
A dedicated Edinburgh cinema-goer demands real 3D, better ambient lighting, and a ban on popcorn.
A report from the annual Scottish conference of the Voice of the Listeners and Viewers in Edinburgh Friday 5…
In Spring 2003 volunteers from Leith Festival ran Leith FM 1, a successful short term broadcast (RSL) over…
Scientists from the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) and TRACE Wildlife Forensics Network based in…
The City of Edinburgh Council will launch a long-awaited new web site this month (15 September) which will…
The Edinburgh Book Festival closed with a moving tribute to Scotland’s first national poet, Edwin Morgan who…
Nicholas Carr came prominently to public attention with his article ‘Is Google making Us Stupid?’ He has, in…