Scottish Independence Referendum

First minister Nicola Sturgeon reiterated that Scotland will have a referendum on independence "within the
PM Boris Johnson is back in Westminster with a resounding majority of 80 seats for the Conservatives and th
Scotland has voted No to independence by a clear margin - 55% to 45% (2,001,926 No votes to 1,617,989 Yes…
From midday to midnight on the day before Scotland’s Referendum on Independence, The National Theatre of…
Actor David Hayman's cri de coeur is a rousing call to vote Yes in the Referendeum on Scottish Independence…
Edinburgh has recorded a record level of registered voters in the run-up to tomorrow's historic vote on…
On the eve of the referendum on Scottish Independence, National Theatre of Scotland is leading a live twelve-…
Professors Murray Pittock and Christopher Whatley have studied different aspects of Scottish historical…
In Charles Ferguson's excellent documentary Inside Job, Nouriel Roubini (famously dubbed Dr Doom for his…
Jack attempts to move the debate about the future of Scotland beyond economics, with a look at the past and…
Polls are open from 7am til 10pm throughout the day on what is likely to be the most important vote that…
Although the run-up to the 2014 Independence Referendum has barely begun, the length of the queue for this…
First Minister Alex Salmond uses the birthday of Robert Burns to launch the consultation document on the…
Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond gives his reasons for aiming for a referendum vote in 2014.