A Story of a Chicken Leg, Review

Rating (out of 5)
Show info
Hêng-Chhun Folk Songs Association
Unlisted & Unavailable
Unlisted & Unavailable
Running time

The setting is simple. A small gathering of friends, brought together to reminisce and share their collective memories. The songs are simple and delivered either alone or accompanied by a moon guitar. The wavering voices and the heart felt renditions create an intimate and very engaging performance.

These are Taiwanese tales which echo back to the Second World War. They begin by telling a simple story with a strong emotional weight. A young boy called A-êng who lives in Hêng-Chhun dreams of eating a chicken leg, so poor is his family,  so deprived is his childhood that his dreams extend no further than consuming a cooked chicken leg. The story is told in Taiwanese song and in such a way that this simple tale carries more impact and gravitas than you might imagine.

The group of elderly people sit together and sing these songs in both remembrance and reverence for those days. Their voices crack and break with emotion and feeling, the solemnity is laced with bitter sweet memories. It is hard not to be pulled into their magical spell, the language maybe foreign but their intent and sincerity is very clear and speaks without the need for an interpreter.

While listening to the songs there is a real sense of something special taking place, an intimate exchange between singers and listener, a sharing of truth and spirit, because the whole event can be experienced as something spiritual. It’s an unusual show to watch, amid the smooth professional deliveries which fill the gamut the Edinburgh Fringe a performance like this which possesses only honesty and stillness  is extremely refreshing and wonderful to see.


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Show Time: On Line
10 - Aug 
Ticket prices: Free
