Scenography: Kasper Svenstrup Hansen
Lighting design: Zuzana Režná
Exterior eye/Acrobatic coach: Bahoz Temaux
Exterior eye: Methinee Wongtrakoon
Musical exterior eye: Mae Karthäuser
Costumes: Michiel Tange van Leeuwen
Producer: Josefin Lindberg/Follow the Rabbit
Circus performers from Spain, England, Sweden and Germany come together in this absurd act from Svalbard. All Genius All Idiot combines acrobatics, aerial stunts, dance, physical comedy, and a thrilling live music soundtrack.
Every element of the show is stunning for one reason or other; whether you’re holding your breath as one performer launches himself into the air or holding your sides as they tease and climb all over each other.
The company really explores what it is to recognise the animal inside us and to nurture it into a wild beast. The performance is breath-taking in its freedom, even in the circus world – and so much fun. It is absurd only because they want it to be, and because it suits them; there is nothing false about this.
What begins as fairly straightforward circus soon becomes far more artistic with raw live sound. Some moments are very funny, and the whole thing is perfectly bizarre.
This is not a circus show but raw animal performance. Where else would you find a lute player with antlers, and cross undressing acrobats? It’s completely insane. Whatever you expect, it’s weirder and more wonderful. Come with an open mind and you won’t be disappointed.
2nd-27th August at 19.30