One of the best things about the Edinburgh Fringe is being exposed to stand up comedians from other countries. It’s always good to see people from far away lands and what they have to add to the comedy pile. Tom Ballard is Australian. He is also gay. This is one of the main themes of his show: Taxis & Rainbows & Hatred.
In his home country, Ballard has taken part in the Melbourne Comedy Festival along with having his own radio show. His sometimes harsh, but extremely real and poignant comedy style is what makes him one of this years hidden gems.
The story of the show is based around an awful taxi journey he did or didn’t take after a break up and a generally bad week.
From this, Ballard branches off to him coming out as homosexual and the various ups and downs this has had on his life so far.
This show is by no means preachy. If anything, it’s a different insight into homosexuality and the feelings, hardships, and ultimately happiness that come along with it. Ballard struck a number of chords with the crowd. His interaction was impeccable and his jokes ranged from slight observation to full on laugh-out-loud moments of comic genius.
The only disheartening factor seemed to be that more didn’t know who he was already, but after this highly enjoyable hour, you will not easily forget. Ballard is a comedic tour de force. He’s also a man who, despite feeling the sadness that resonates sometimes in society, can still manage to find the light. And that light, ladies and gentlemen, is hilarious.
Til 30 August (Not 17/24), 9:15pm. £9 (Concession £8). Strong adult themes and language.