The classic J.M. Barrie has been adapted with new music from Phil Collingwood and writer Haley Cox. Set in Priceland at closing time and the discovery of a lost girl as opposed to several Lost Boys, the staff enact ‘Peter Pan’ or their version of it to entertain the child while she awaits her mum.
Michael and John, the brothers, don’t make it into this version but most of the other loved characters do make an appearance.
Captain Hook played by James Mountain is an extravagant rumbustious ‘baddie’ with Joe McWilliam, a perfect foil as Smee.
Rosie Fox as Wendy is the central character and the one that the audience identifies with and Rosie gathers in all that goodwill in a good all-round performance. Peter (Sean Keating) who is leaving the supermarket to seek fame and fortune as a guitarist is more an energetic anti-hero as he seems to reject Wendy’s obvious attraction to him.
Dragged into taking part in the enactment, he does what Peter has done over the years - won the day while refusing to grow up, or does he?
Eve Pearson as the Supervisor is also doubling up parts as Tinkerbell and Mrs Darling, but it is as an effective if reluctant fairy that she goes from zero to hero.
The production is creative with the use of the gauze effective and while the space does not allow much in the way of a set, the directors move ‘Lost Boys’ and Indians around cleverly.
The show has a strange start where you are not sure if it is a fill-in before the real thing and I think it could be re-worked to greater effect.
The principals are well supported by the young members of Duckegg Youth Theatre.
It’s a show suitable for all, includes all the elements of the original story with some bonus scenes and songs.
Runs to August 25, 4.10pm