A passing storm has cleared the beach of all but a few dog walkers. Dusk is falling over the expanse of flat sand with its groynes reaching for the sea like fingers.
The audience gather at the far end of the shore listening through headphones to snatches of the shipping forecast through a swell of waves and static - “Fisher, German Bight”, “recent rain, 18 miles, 1002, falling slowly”, “losing its identity”.
Making their way over the sand they approach this marginal world in the sweet part of the day. There are only a few of us out here: the singers, the swimmers, sailors, life savers.
The words in their ears are replaced by rhythmic repetitions of rescue and resuscitation instructions - “two paces back”, “avoid the stranglehold”, “look for the chest to rise and fall”. This place is visited by migrating birds and memory, generations and the push and pull of time - even when treading water we are still moving.
A group of blue-and-white-clad figures stand like Gormley statues, then look and point, wave and stare before hauling on a rope and then individually pulling the audience members to the very edge of the sea, “heave ho my dears, heave ho my darlings”.
This is, by its site-specific nature, an atmospheric performance: a gentle, haunting, poetic journey underscored with a subtle but filmic soundtrack.
For a work that feels almost like a rite there needs to be a stronger narrative - not a story as such, but a feeling of progression.
The final section is performed live and without the aid of the headphones the libretto is swallowed by the surf and, difficult to follow, feels disconnected from what proceeds. The ending is dramatic and leaves the audience to flounder on dry land, like fish out of water.
It’s a piece of performance art that could evolve but already makes for a unique experience harnessing the power of the sea.
Show Times: 8 - 10 August 2014, performances at 6.30am and 8.30pm.
Ticket Prices: £10 (£8) including transport to Portobello.
Note: A coach leaves from Summerhall half an hour before the start time of the performance. Return transport is not included. The local bus costs £1.50. If you are not travelling by Summerhall coach, meet at the Joppa Bandstand at the South End of Portobello Beach at least 10 minutes prior to the start time of the performance.