Men order what’s on the menu. Women order what they want.
This is just one of a plethora of quirky, lovable and totally manageable differences that we actively seek out and celebrate on a day-to-day basis.
No, sorry: I can’t do it — it’s enough to make a cat laugh.
We are, as John Gray’s best-selling book suggests, from completely different planets. Men live on Mars. And far, far away, in a different time and dimension, live the women.
Now this review has been written from the perspective of a man (for that is what I am), so you’ll have to pardon me if my views appear somewhat biased in places. It is just that I don’t feel that it would be right for me to speak, or attempt to translate, a language that I don’t fully understand. That is something I have learnt the hard way.
This afternoon's one-man show, based on John Gray’s book, takes us on a brief journey through some of the issues that men and women have in trying to understand one another. It is a stressful and mind-boggling road to venture down, but one which could, potentially, lend you the keys to understanding the secrets of a long and happy relationship.
A lot of the targets here are pretty obvious ones and nobody should be overly surprised at what is brought up. Men and directions. Women and timekeeping. Sex. All subjects that have been discussed by comedians for decades and they all pretty much come to the same conclusions.
What’s good here, though, is that it goes into why we think the way we think and, therefore, why we act the way we act. It’s all actually very interesting and, not to mention, very funny. It is all boosted by a charming lone performance, bringing wit and sophistication to a show that could have very easily been quite substandard.
I went alone and I loved it. But if you have a partner or friend of the opposite sex, it may be fun to go with them — and you can have a good argument about it at the bar afterwards.
Show Times: 17-27 Aug 2012, 3:30pm
Ticket Prices: £12.00 (£11.00) (on 20-23 and 27th, £11.00/£10.00)