Love Letters to the Public Transport System is a perfect Fringe show. Written and performed by Molly Taylor it is an entertaining monologue on how serendipitous encounters can set in motion a whole chain of events.
How when strangers meet one another on transport systems - trains, buses - the effect of this rendezvous can be enduring. The film Brief Encounter being a classic example. And Molly's monologue incorporates a range of individual's experiences on public transport systems.
Performed on a minimal stage, the play is well written with many amusing observations. The title comes from the fact that Molly wanted to contact train and bus drivers to say 'thank you' for their involvement in making her life journey - and those of some others - a joyous event. An original idea, it is an engaging piece of theatre.
Show times
3-26 August (not 13 and 20)
Read Irene's review of Love Letters To The Transport System from last year