Having briefly worked in a call centre and able to remember the almost unbearable agony of pre cigarette break clock watching, it is with a misty air of nostalgia and curiosity that I sit before a show set where I spent so much of my time talking and slowly killing myself.
It is an odd and sickly place to be, but somehow there was always a more free and interesting conversation to be had amongst the swarm of dancing glow worms than with the cafe of crisp packets and apple cores. With that, it was with quiet delight that such a rich setting had been recognised and I looked forward to the evening immensely.
Cancer Time is set in a south Wales call centre and follows two colleagues as they get to know each other through encounters during cigarette breaks. Conversations range from nights out to missed opportunities, but when tragedy strikes their relationship meets a whole new dimension.
The show is a very enjoyable one, rich in humour and dialogue from the off. It makes it quite clear that this is a Welsh made production, without being over-bearing or potentially running the risk of isolating alternative audiences. This is a trap that could quite easily have been fallen into, but is skillfully avoided.
Whilst it grows deeper and less joyous as time goes on, the tone is still consistent the whole way through which is thanks mainly to two fantastic performances and sharp directing.
The title may suggest a depressing ride and perhaps one to avoid. Not at all.
Show ended