In the current climate of economic recession and general "cutting back" on outings this summer, numbers attending performances in this year's Fringe have dropped considerably. With this in mind, it is perhaps necessary to take more consideration than usual in choosing what to recommend to the few who journey out to the festival. One piece which is really essential to see is Ryan JW Smiths New World Order.
With the success of his play Love Labours Won last festival, he returns alone this year with his one man show. Smith has turned his exceptional writing skills to a political piece delving into the hypocrisy of today's political state, highlighting the necessary and unnecessary evils of propaganda, war, power and control.
In this new performance Smith flows simultaneously between three different characters, moving through the various perspectives with flawless fluidity, in a continuous array of monologues. The style of his play, much like Love Labours Won, is definitive to say the least, consisting entirely of Shakespearean-style verse, making his performance all the more impressive to witness.
Political performances during this festival appear to be a rarity; the issues of terrorism, war and international political strife have been generally overlooked this year as a subject matter. Perhaps we have moved on from those political concerns. However if you do feel the urge to venture out in search for a performance with unadulterated feeling and passion as well as a politically unsettling edge - choose New World Order as the performance to see.
Times: Aug 7-25 at 12:30