The last thing I expected when I went to see Orgasm The Musical was to be bored rigid, but them’s the breaks…
As far as sex comedies go this is a total let down. It’s the kind of show that makes you desperate to return to the bar only to find it is shut.
The plot revolves around a guy who is doing nearly enough in bed to bring his girlfriend to orgasm, but not quite. She, frustrated, looks to a cross dressing sex therapist for a solution and is recommended a sex toy only to find that an argument about the size of a vibrator leads to the break up of her relationship. Happily all is resolved when the unhappy lovers are reunited at a wife swapping party and finally manage to bring the show to the type of climax that makes you wonder what all the fuss was about in the first place.
Trevor Alexander’s plodding production has the feel of a suburban Am Dram club.
Mediocre performances are given with great gusto and enthusiasm and, as long as they are engaging with each other, you get the sense the company at least are enjoying themselves as the try to squeeze some, any, life out of a really limp script. It dries up pretty quick when they try to rope in a truly unseduced audience and long passages of toe-curlingly embarrassing failed participation are sped through at break neck speed as the cast adopts a policy of "hurry up and get it over with."
Orgasm didn’t.