
First staged in 1951, Rogers and Hammerstein “The King and I” is based on Margaret Landon's novel, “Anna and…
This two person show performed by the two lovely girls complimenting each other, like a modern day Snow White…
Tree of Knowledge is an attempt to bring its audience face to face with the contradictions of philosophy, or…
Everyone loves a good panto, and it doesn’t get any better than the traditional Edinburgh panto at the…
Stuart Paterson’s Beauty and the Beast masterfully spins the threads of dark fantasy, pantomime slapstick and…
Not just shaken, stirred but most definitely rocked!
The stage set is suitably neat and compact for the extremely neat and compact, clever wee show that is The…
The Royal Lyceum Theatre will open its 2012-2013 season in September with a co-production with the National…
Cryptic, an internationally-renowned producing art house based in Glasgow, has brought together some…
The world premiere of Private Lives by Noel Coward took place at the King’s Theatre, Edinburgh, on 18 August…
The Edinburgh International Festival announced that next Summer's programme will include a double-helping of…
In a one-woman performance of delicate sensitivity Donna Rutherford softly brings to the surface the issues…