Scottish Government

Every four years or so forestry experts from the Commonwealth's 54 independent states gather together to…
A look at the New World themed theatre productions showing at the 2010 Edinburgh International Festival.
Blood and guts are on the menu at the Edinburgh International Science Festival in April. The annual festival…
The First Minister, Alex Salmond MSP, discusses the Scottish Government's proposals for a referendum on…
The first hours of 2010 look likely to be chilly ones with temperatures in Edinburgh dropping several degrees…
Castle baggers and historical buildings buffs mark your diaries: Minister for Culture, External Affairs and…
A new scottish history web site developed for pupils, teachers and the general public is now up and running.
The Edinburgh International Book Festival has been allocated £55,000 Expo funding by the Scottish Government…
If you asked anyone in Scotland to tell you what the national soft drink is, the chances are they'd say Irn-…
Free tickets are now available for an event which will consider how Scotland and the estimated 40 million "…
Environment Minister Roseanna Cunningham has re-affirmed the Scottish Government's stand against Genetically…
An annual survey by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) has found that rubbish on British beaches has…