King Alexander 1 Celebrates New Year at Stirling Castle


New Year celebration at the Court of King Alexander 1 will take place
at Stirling Castle on the 2 and 3 January 2009.  And all of King
Alexander's subjects, countrymen and friends are invited to attend.

Historical records show that King Alexander built a chapel at the Castle somewhere between 1107 and 1115.

remains can still be seen on-site even though there is a later building
which has been constructed on top. It is one of the earliest buildings
at Stirling Castle and Historic Scotland suspect that Alexander's court
may have been one of the first to hold new year celebrations here.

More than
15 costumed interpreters will portray Alexander and his Queen, Sibylla
along with courtiers and guards of the time. The actors will be dressed
in typical costumes from the early medieval period with rich brown and
green colours.

will be welcomed with music, dance and seasonal cheer. For the
sleuthing guests who like murder mysteries, Brother Camfall of the
Benedictine Order may require your assistance in solving a very
unseasonal murder in the castle.

the more faint-hearted, the kings fool will be messing around. The
castle cook will be on hand to display the culinary delights of the
season and the knights of the court will be giving tuition in new
fighting techniques.

Gillian MacDonald, Historic Scotland's manager of Stirling Castle, said: "Stirling
Castle is indeed a superb venue for events at any time of the year. New
Year is particularly special with this lively performance spectacle
over two days."

"We know from our historical records that the Scottish court in the early 12th century was a mixture of different peoples including Gaelic Scots and
Normans following the conquest of England. Stirling Castle would have
been an important meeting place for these people.

event gives visitors a peek at how New Year celebrations would have
been at Stirling Castle.  Last year's similar event was hugely
successful with many visitors returning on the second day.  We're
delighted to be able to offer such a performance in one of our most
spectacular settings."

Stirling Castle is open on 1 January from 11.00 am to 5.00 pm and on 2 January from 09.30 am to 5.00 pm.

  • The
    event takes place on 2 and 3 January between 11.30 am and 3.30 pm. The
    event is included in the admission charge for the Castle. Admission
    prices are: Adults £8.50, children £4.25 and concessions £6.50.
    Admission also includes a tour of Argyll's Lodging.
  • There are pictures available of the event held last New Year (note: of a different period of history). Please contact the Marketing and Media department for photos.
  • Stirling
    Castle is one of Scotland's grandest castles due to its imposing
    position and impressive architecture, highlights of which include the
    gatehouse, the Great Hall, the splendid Renaissance Royal Palace and
    the Chapel Royal. We are currently returning the interior of the Royal
    Palace to
    how it would have looked in the mid-1500s, during the renaissance era.
    This will include furnishings, ceiling and wall decoration and costumed
    interpreters. During this period, there will be much going on by way
    of events and highlights at Stirling Castle. The official opening of
    the Royal Palace will be in April 2011.
  • Stirling Castle is at the head of Stirling's historic old town, off M9 junction 9 or 10. Tel: 01786 450000.
  • Stirling
    Castle is one of 345 outstanding historic properties and sites
    throughout the country in the care of Historic Scotland. These include
    some of Scotland's leading tourism attractions and most important
    heritage sites, including Edinburgh, Stirling and Urquhart Castles,
    Fort George, Linlithgow Palace, the Border Abbeys, and Skara Brae. For
    details visit:
  • Historic Scotland's Mission is: to safeguard Scotland's historic environment and to promote its understanding and enjoyment.
  • Historic
    Scotland is delighted to be supporting the 2009 Year Of Homecoming with
    a series of initiatives including family trails, spectacular events and
    the creation of a Homecoming Pass for heritage attractions in
    association with the other heritage organisations.