Bicycling in Edinburgh - cycling for cyclists by cyclists

Edinburgh has one of the most extensive off-road cycle networks in
Britain. Many of these are built along the old railway network which
was broken up in the Sixties to make way for the brave new age of the

These "green corridors" now provide a haven for wildlife and non-motorised traffic alike.
By bike you can see Edinburgh in all its permutations in a day (try Adrian's bike tour
if you need a guide), from the run-down housing schemes to the Georgian
New Town, the beach at Crammond in the North to the leafy suburbs in
the South. SPOKES, the Edinburgh cycle lobby group, provide all the
most current information including a cyclists' map (£4.95 each) and
regular newsletters. Sign up now!

For Cycle touring trips you will want to find out more about the newly built National Cycle Network.