Burke and Hare Film Trailer

Submitted by edg on Wed, 6 Oct '10 6.06am

Edinburgh-set black comedy Burke and Hare is due out later this month (28 October). Directed by John Landis of Blues Brothers and Animal House fame, it is described "as a comedic take on a true story" of the notorious body-snatchers.

Simon Pegg and Andy Serkis play the eponymous heroes (the ne'er-do-wells of the big screen appear to be rather more glamorous than the irish labourers Burke and Hare that they are based on), who  go into business delivering fresh corpses to meet the growing demands of Edinburgh's pioneering medical school.

Judging from the trailer, there's a general period flavour to the movie, the gist of the story seems true, but language and cultural references have been modernised for comedic effect.

"Edinburgh, 1828," says a deep male American voice at the start of the trailer. "The greatest minds came from all over the world... and so did these guys."