Gracemount Tower Blocks Hit the Dust

Submitted by edg on Mon, 26 Oct '09 9.39am

Three multi story blocks at Gracemount bit the dust yesterday after schoolboy Robert Millar lit the fuse to demolish the buildings. The three blocks were originally built in 1962 and contained 246 flats. Garvald, Soutra and Fala Courts will be replaced by 220 new modern homes.

The 11 year old Kaimes Primary School pupil had won the right to push the button having designed the winning site safety poster in a schools' competition. Among those at the demolition was Council Leader, Cllr Jenny Dawe, and former resident, Margaret Jeffrey.

"The blowdown was a truly spectacular sight - and all went as planned, which is credit to all those involved in the operation," said Cllr Dawe after the demolition.

"I know that many people will have fond memories of the flats at Gracemount but now we can look to the future as we drive to create new homes for the 21st Century."

It is expected that half of the 220 new homes will be affordable homes, while the other half will be for market sale.

The development will be a mix of houses and flats with gardens and communal space provided. A new playpark will also be provided.

The redevelopment of the site is part of the Council’s 21st Century Homes Project which aims to build 1,300 homes across the Capital.

The first three areas included in the programme are Gracemount, North Sighthill and Pennywell and Muirhouse. The new homes will contribute towards Edinburgh meeting the need for 15,000 new affordable homes over the next ten years.