Chris Townsend, a relative newcomer supporting David Sneddon, opened the show
and gave a confident performance. He has a strong voice, tuneful in the upper
range, with a pleasingly gruff edge when he projects at a lower register. His
guitar style is robust but does not drown out his singing. Whilst performing,
he created on-the-spot layers to his music by line-looping on a synthesizer
to produce background bass, guitar and drums.
With one exception his material was his own. Some songs, e.g. 'What are you
waiting for', were taken from his EP of that name. All you can say
was a brand new number getting its first airing. All of his songs were well-crafted
with good lyrics. He also has the ability to put across a song which was evidenced
in his only cover, a version of Crowded House's Don't dream it's over,
which went down a storm with the audience. Chris Townsend will be recording
his debut album in October (due for release next January). He is definitely
a performer worth looking out for
David Sneddon in his alter ego is the lead singer of an upbeat band called The
Martians. Much of his time, however, is spent performing acoustically in clubs.
In this world premiere performance he was ably accompanied on acoustic guitar
by fellow Martian, John Kielty. (Kielty is currently working on Sundoe,
a musical about Zombies commissioned by impresario, Cameron Macintosh and due
for performance at Eden Court in Inverness this November.)
David on stage is very much a fresh-faced, cheeky chappy until he gets behind
his piano and then the serious performer takes over. He puts his heart and soul
into his music. He played all his own songs, seven in all: the rather poignant,
One old soul; the autobiographical Time; Lady Lullaby; Insomnia; Wish
you well - my personal favourite; 'White noise', the title track
from his current album and finally, by audience request, Stop living the
Sneddon is strong on the piano and is undoubtedly a good singer. His delivery
is honest and unaffected which allows the audience, not only to enjoy the natural
qualities of his voice, but also to focus on his lyrics which are at some times
touching whilst at others provoking and edgy. They are always thoughtful and
intelligent. He comes across very much as a person who does not take himself
too seriously but as someone who has given total commitment to his music. He
clearly enjoys performing.
The audience last night was quick to pick up on this and an immediate rapport
was established. As he said, music has been good to him. By forsaking the bubblegum
world of pop offered to him through his success in 'Fame Academy' and allowing
his depth to show, David Sneddon has in turn been good for music.
© Ruby Soxer. 25 August 2007. First.published on www.EdinburghGuide.com
Run 23-25 August 2007