Now you see it. Now you don't. That's normally the case with my wages over August, but now thanks to the Laughing Horse I can see a perfectly good Fringe show for nix. And about time!
Dougie C, a magician all the way from Glasgow, is well worth the price. I’d seen him perform previously at a private function, and it was good to see that a local entertainer got his own Fringe show (as the Fringe does tend to overdose on antipodean humour).
A master of sleight of hand, Dougie’s led the audience through 4500 years of magic in 45 minutes. His banter was a highlight, good-humoured, very Scottish and warming to the audience. He is a nice guy, to the point of being self-deprecating (which got the audience laughing).
Increasingly, prices for mainstream Fringe shows are going through the roof, so it’s refreshing that there are venues offering day-long back-to-back entertainment for free. A Fringe of the Fringe if you will.
It’s a four star show – three stars for Dougie, and an extra bonus star as the show was free, the bar was cheap, the atmosphere friendly and a fabulous evening was had by all!
Times: 8.20pm, 4-25 August