Gaelic Culture, Music, Performance and Song Showcased at the Scottish Storytelling Centre

Gaelic musical traditions and influences are thriving throughout Scotland, with the strong impact of the Gaelic cultural revival over recent years heavily influenced by the inextricable link between language and music.

The Storytelling Centre acknowledges that Gaelic is an integral part of Scotland's heritage, national identity and cultural life, and presents the opportunity to enjoy Gaelic in the heart of Edinburgh’s capital with a fusion of art forms, from bi-lingual theatre to workshops in Gaelic song. Singer/songwriter Gillie Mackenzie, famed for her lilting evocations and contemporary twists to traditional forms, is excited about future prospects as she states:

"This is a really exciting time for the Gaelic language and culture throughout Scotland, with our Gaelic speaking population on the increase. It is heartening to find the Storytelling Centre, a flagship venue for Scottish culture here in our capital city, giving Gaelic a prominent place with the workshops and events taking place throughout November. As a singer and teacher I know there is a great demand for culturally authentic events of this kind, and I hope many more will follow. The events will be of interest to both Gaelic speakers and non-Gaelic speakers alike and it looks like there is something for everyone. Gaelic belongs here as much as anywhere, and supporting it can only add to our already vibrant, colourful and multi-cultural community."

The Centre is proud to be the launch venue for new Gaelic performance, and the accompanying book, of Little Forks (Forcan Beaga) on 2 November; Gillie Mackenzie hosts a Gaelic themed Café Voices on 14 November, along with two workshops on Gaelic singing hosted by talented performer Gillebride MacMillan on 16 and 17 November.

Little Forks is a creative development of a live literature performance within a theatrical framework which incorporates spoken text, live original soundscapes performed by Neil Doherty, and short film interludes by Alastair Cook. Directed by Neil Doherty and Rebecca Joy Sharp, Little Forks aims to relate memories, sensations and experiences to physical spaces through exploring dualities through the poetic story of a brother (Perigee) and sister (Hecate), told in past and present voices and set abstractly in Tighnabruaich in Scotland. Gillebride MacMillan and Linda Macleod perform the Gaelic evening on Friday 2 November and the piece is also presented in English on Thursday 1 November.

Gillie Mackenzie treats Edinburgh to Gaelic songs and stories in regular monthly spoken word evening Café Voices on Wednesday 14 November. Café Voices is a fantastic opportunity to relax in jovial company and contribute to the melting pot of tradition on the evening, with an open-floor opportunity which creates a traditional ceilidh of performance.

Then Gillebride MacMillan returns to the Centre to present two workshops on Gaelic song; Singing Together on Friday 16 November for beginners and those who want to learn more about the language and its traditional tunes, and Singing Solo for Gaelic speakers who want to broaden their musical expression and interpretive ability on Saturday 17 November.

"Gaelic songs are for everyone - even if you don't have a word of the language! The melodies and words can transport you to another place and the songs give you an insight into the history, social life and culture of Scotland. Gaelic is my first language and I really enjoy teaching songs I heard as a child in South Uist to people who want to learn a bit more of Scotland's rich cultural heritage." -- Gillebrìde MacMillan


Tha dualchas ciùil is buaidh na Gàidhlig sìor shoirbheachail air feadh na h-Alba, agus buaidh mhòr aig a’ cheangal làidir eadar cànan is ceòl air ath-bheothachadh cultarail na Gàidhlig ‘s na beagan bhliadhnaichean a dh’fhalbh.

Tha Ionad Sgeulachdan na h-Alba ag aithneachadh gu bheil a’ Ghàidhlig mar phàirt choilionta de dhualchas na h-Alba, den dearbh-aithne nàiseanta againn agus de ar beatha cultarail, agus gu bheil seo a’ toirt cothrom dhuinn tlachd fhaighinn bhon Ghàidhlig ann an cridhe cathair-bhaile na h-Alba le measgachadh de dhreachan ealain, eadar cleasachd dà-chànanach is bùthan-obrach de dh’òrain Ghàidhlig. Tha an seinneadair/sgrìobhadair-òrain Gillie NicCoinnich, a tha ainmeil airson na dùsgaidhean fonnmhoir is atharrachaidhean air ceòl traidiseanta aice, brosnachail mu dheidhinn chothroman san àm ri teachd, agus i ag ràdh:

"Is e àm gu math inntinneach a tha an seo dha cànan is dualchas na Gàidhlig air feadh na h-Alba, agus àrdachadh a’ tighinn air luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig. Tha e na mhisneachd dhuinn gu bheil Ionad Sgeulachdan na h-Alba, fìor àite airson dualchas na h-Alba an seo anns a’ chathair-bhaile againn, a’ toirt prìomhachas don Ghàidhlig le bùthan-obrach is tachartasan gan cur air adhart air feadh an t-Samhain. Mar sheinneadair agus neach-teagaisg tha fios agam gu bheil iarrtas mòr air tachartasan math dualchasach mar seo, agus tha mi’n dòchas gum bi barrachd den seo ri fhaicinn fhathast. Bidh na tachartasan inntinneach do gach cuid luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig agus iadsan aig nach eil a’ Ghàidhlig agus tha e a’ coimhead coltach gu bheil ruideigin ann dhan h-uile duine. Buinidh a’ Ghàidhlig don àite seo a’ cheart cho math ri àite sam bith eile agus cuiridh taic ris a’ Ghàidhlig gu mòr ris na tha dol air adhart nar coimhearsnachd beòthail, dathtach is ioma-chultarail."

Tha an Ionad moiteil a ràdh gur ann an seo a thèid an tachartas Gàidhlig ùr, agus an leabhar a tha na chois, de Forcan Beaga, a chur air bhog air 2 Samhain; bidh Gillie NicCoinnich a’ toirt aoigheachd do Chafé Guthan Gàidhlig air 14 Samhain, agus bidh dà bhùth-obrach air seinn na Gàidhlig gan cumail air 16 is 17 Samhain fo stiùir an t-seinneadair tàlantach Gillebrìghde MacIlleMhaoil.

Is e leasachadh cruthachail a th’ann am Forcan Beaga taobh a-staigh frèam-obrach cleasachd a bheir a-steach briathran gan labhairt, fuaimean beò àrainneachd bho Niall Doherty, agus pìosan goirid film le Alastair Cook. Le stiùireadh bho Niall Doherty is Rebecca Joy Sharp, tha Forcan Beaga ag amas air cuimhneachain, faireachdaidhean is eòlas a thoirt do dh’àiteachan corporra tro bhith a’ sgrùdadh cheanglaichean eadar sgeulachd bàrdail aig bràthair (Perigee) agus piuthair (Hecate), air innse ann an guthan bhon àm a dh’fhalbh agus bhon àm seo fhèin, stèidhichte gu beachdail ann an Taigh na Bruaich an Alba. Bidh Gillebrìghde MacIlleMhaoil agus Linda Nicleòid gar toirt tro oidhche ciùil Gàidhlig air Dihaoine 2 Samhain agus cluinnear am pìos anns a’ Bheurla cuideachd air Diardaoin 1 Samhain.

An uairsin, gheibh Dùn Èideann tlachd bho bhith ag èisteachd ri Gillie NicCoinnich agus i a’ seinn òrain Ghàidhlig agus ag innse sgeulachdan air oidhche labhairteach chunbhalach Guthan Café air Diciadain 14 Samhain. Is e cothrom math a th’ann an Guthan Café gus fois fhaighinn am measg chàirdean agus a bhith a’ cur ri dualchas na h-oidhche, le cothrom làir a bhios a’ cruthachadh cèilidh traidiseanta de thachartasan.

An uairsin tillidh Gillebrìghde MacIlleMhaoil don Ionad gus ar stiùireadh tro dhà bhùth-obrach air òrain Ghàidhlig; A’ seinn còmhla air Dihaoine 16 Samhain airson luchd-ionnsachaidh agus iadsan a tha airson tuilleadh ionnsachadh mun chànan agus na fuinn traidiseanta a bhuineas dhith, agus Seinn Aon-neach airson luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig a tha airson an comas dòigh-labhairt is mìneachaidh ciùil a leudachadh, air Disathairne 17 Samhain.

"Tha òrain Ghàidhlig dhan h-uile duine - 's urrainn dhan h-uile duine rudeigin ionnsachadh ge brith dè an comasan ann an Gàidhlig. Bheir na h-òrain Ghàidhlig tuigse dhut air eachdraidh, beatha làitheil agus cultarail na h-Alba. 'S e Gàidhlig mo chiad chànan fhìn agus 's fìor thoil leam a bhith a' teagasg òrain a chuala mi 's mi nam bhalach beag ann an Uibhist a Deas do dhuine sam bith a tha ag iarraidh an ionnsachadh." -- Gillebrìghde MacIlleMhaoil


Thu 1 Nov (English) & Fri 2 Nov (Gaelic) | 7.30pm (1hr then Book Launch) | £10/£8 | 14+
Little Forks (Forcan Beaga)
World premiere and book launch of Little Forks, written by Rebecca Joy Sharp with film by Alastair Cook and sound by Neil Doherty. A daring exploration of memory, landscape and storytelling with performances in English and Gaelic. A brother and sister revisit their childhood holiday cottage in Tighnabruaich and begin to reconcile a violent incident from their past. Supported by Creative Scotland and the Gaelic Books Council.

Wed 14 Nov | 7pm (2hrs) | £5 | 14+
Café Voices: Gaelic songs and stories
The Centre’s monthly open-floor Café returns with a Gaelic night hosted by singer Gillie Mackenzie. Come along with a piece prepared or just to enjoy the wonderful songs and stories on offer.

Fri 16 Nov | 1.30-4.30pm | Skills (1) | £18/£15
Gaelic Song: Singing Together (1)
An introduction to singing Gaelic songs and to the associated skills. This participative session is for anyone who would like to discover and develop their expressive singing voice and join in with others through Scottish Gaelic traditions. Though the class will provide some bi-lingual support, ability to read and pronounce Gaelic words is recommended. Led by Gillebride McMillan.

Sat 17 Nov | 10.30am-4.30pm | Skills (2) | £36/£30
Gaelic Song: Singing Solo (2)
Develop your interpretative ability and vocal skill through Gaelic song traditions.
This workshop takes you further on a supported creative journey into musical expression. Previous knowledge of Gaelic is required to benefit from this workshop. Led by Gillebride McMillan.

Diardaoin 1 Samh (Beurla) & Dihaoine 2 Samh (Gàidhlig) | 7.30f (1uair a-thìde agus an-uairsin Bogadh Leabhair) | £10/£8 | 14+
Forcan Beaga
A’ chiad tachartas cruinne agus bogadh leabhar de Forcan Beaga, a chaidh a sgrìobhadh le Rebecca Joy Sharp, le film bho Alastair Cook agus fuaim bho Niall Doherty. Sgrùdadh dàna air cuimhne, sealladh-tìre is innse sgeulachd le cleasachd ann am Beurla is Gàidhlig. Bidh bràthair is piuthair a’ dol air ais gu bothan ann an Taigh na Bruaich far am biodh iad air saor-làithean nan òige agus tòisichidh iad a’ cuimhneachadh air tachartas brùideil bhon àm a dh’fhalbh. Le taic bho Alba Chruthachail is Comhairle nan Leabhraichean.

Diciadain 14 Samh | 7f (2uair a-thìde) | £5 | 14+
Guthan Café: Òrain is Sgeulachdan Gàidhlig
Bidh Café mìosail làr-fosgailte na h-Ionaid a’ tilleadh le oidhche Ghàidhlig far am bi an seinneadair Gillie NicCoinnich a’ toirt seachad aoigheachd. Thigibh còmhla rinn le pìos ullaichte no dìreach gus tlachd fhaighinn bho na h-òrain miorbhuileach agus na sgeulachdan a tha rin cluinntinn.

Dis 16 Samhain | 1.30f - 4.30f | Sgilean (1) | £18/£15
ÒRAN GÀIDHLIG: Seinn còmhla (1)
Toiseach-tòiseachaidh air seinn òrain Gàidhlig agus na sgilean a tha na chois. Tha an t-seisean com-pàirteachais seo dha duine sam bith a tha airson faighinn amach mun ghuth seinn faireachail aca, sin a leasachadh agus a bhith an cois cuid eile tro dhualchas Gàidhlig na h-Alba. Ged a gheibhear taic dà-chananach anns a' chlas seo, thathas a' moladh gum bi comas agaibh faclan Gàidhlig a leughadh agus am fuaimneachadh. Fo stiùir Ghillebrìde MhicIlleMhaoil.

Dis 17 Samhain | 10.30m - 4.30f |