Johnstone Terrace Garden

About the Park

Johnston Terrace Garden is tucked away at the top of the Patrick Geddes steps which run between Johnston Terrance and the Grassmarket, just 50 m from Edinburgh Castle Esplanade.

At 0.07 hectares, it is the smallest of 123 wildlife reserves managed by the Scottish Wildlife Trust. The reserve has been managed by SWT since 1982, and is now teaming with urban wildlife including frogs, bumblebees and butterflies, bird species including grey herons and blue tits and a range of plant and tree species too.

The Old Town garden is normally locked to prevent vandalism, but has occasional open days. Access can be arranged by the Scottish Wildlife Trust.


The garden lies to the south of Johnstone Terrace adjacent to 25, Johnstone Terrace in the west and the Patrick Geddes steps in the East.