A wacky premise: Woolly, a sappy, self-deprecating sheep, has an unorthodox tale about his luckless search for love and intimacy that brings him from Yorkshire to the grassy farms of Australia. It’s a bit of magical realism. Go with it.
Underneath the sheep persona is Alex Cofield, an energetic and loveable storyteller who uses every corner of the room to envelope you in his story. In keeping with an off-kilter Fringe show, there is absolutely no fourth wall, from physically immersing himself in the space to outright acknowledging the Fringiness of this show (which I kind of adore, honestly). Throughout the hour, audience members become airplane seat partners, love interests, and sheep for shearing.
Look forward to dream sequences, tons of puns, beer, a sheeptease, (and even a Harry Potter joke). If you’ve ever felt the need to change your scenery or if you’ve ever felt kinship with a farm animal, this is a sure fire show to see. Really, there’s a lot of sweet metaphor underneath it all-- Woolly shaves his wool just as Cofield shares his heart.
It’s more than a silly show about love and husbandry, it’s a “shear” delight.
Aug 18-28 (not 25)