Panto comes but once a year. Oh no it doesn’t!
'Frigid: A musical worth melting for’ took to the stage of one of the warmest venues on the Fringe. And the answer to the question "was it?" was a resounding ‘no’.
Having said that, the audience was appreciative with some whoops of joy at the end. Or was it that they could get out into the fresh Edinburgh air.
Being positive let’s say that friends, fellow students and family enjoyed this romp but visitors to this country would be bemused!
A parody on ‘Frozen’ this was the true story stolen from Perry’s grand-dad now resident in a care home.
Characters from multiple fairy stories join in with Ugly Sisters (played by guys), Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel and even a very feisty Princess from ‘Brave’ to add to the local flavour.
It started brightly with a catchy song and there were a few numbers and performances that caught the eye. The singing and backing music was also good and it may well be funny for children and easily pleased adults.
Pantomime belongs to Christmas and this kind of production in the church or village hall. It reminded me of an extended ‘Gang Show’ sketch before it rightly modernised itself.
There is talent in this company but I think they need to find the right show for future appearances at the Fringe.
4 - 19 August, 18.25