Physical comedy and biting social commentary on modern day "slacktivism" reign supreme with Follow Suit, a piece that feels as if The Three Stooges had beef with Machiavellian corporate culture.
At first it seems to be a piece that makes a mockery of the business world, transforming signed documents into a ballet of origami paper planes, turning a suited employee into a literal puppet, and twisting throwaway office jargon into a musical theatre number of sorts.
Continually interrupting the slapstick and playful physical theatre is a bell that brings a new body bag to the stage with every ominous ring, calling out the corporations that continue their every day red tape and admin while they carry blood on their hands with their widespread disaster or neglect. Interruptions continue in the four lights hanging overhead, causing the employees to snap out of the dance of this everyday and come to these horrific realisations whenever the bulbs go out.
Silent Faces has created a blackly comic work that deals on the light end with disorder in a place of order and at its heaviest end the corporate culpability on every rung of the ladder within a company that makes detrimental choices that wreck havoc upon the world around it.
Gruesome, goofy, and arresting.
Aug 16-20, 22-28